Governance of our school 

The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust is the governance body responsible for the school as a whole with the Board of Trustees accountable for decisions made. For more information on the Trust and how our governance structure works, please visit www.elliot (Trust Governance and Community Council documents) noting in particular the Scheme of Delegation and Accountability and Representation documents. The Trust Legal and Governance Director can also be emailed on 

Welcome and Introduction to our Community Council 

The Trust governance model recognises that Community Councils are, whilst a full and formal part of the governance structure in line with the Trust’s Articles of Association, wholly advisory bodies who focus on;

○ The ethos and values of the school

○ The ambition, appropriateness and effectiveness of the school’s curriculum for its children

○ The wellbeing of pupils, families and staff

Community councillors are a much valued group of volunteers that play a crucial role in our school offering challenging but positive and proactive support to the Principal and Senior Leadership team on behalf of the children and community that the school serves. They know and celebrate the strengths of the community that the school serves alongside holding the highest aspirations and expectations for our pupils. 

If you are interested in finding out more about Netherbrook Primary School's  Community Council, please contact Mr Rawlings 

Mr Nigel Smith

I am proud and delighted to be Chair of the Community Council at Netherbrook Primary School.

Having been a Community Councillor for the last five years and chair since 2017, I know what a great school Netherbrook is with dedicated and passionate staff and talented and hard-working pupils. I also know that the Community Council continues to be equally hard-working and committed to ensure that Netherbrook continually improves and provides the best possible education for all its pupils.

Netherbrook became a part of The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust (TEFAT) on 1 June 2022. Within this Trust the Community Council has a number of particular responsibilities. These include:

The Community Council meet four times a year. Within these meetings we also monitor the impact of the school improvement initiatives, monitor the progress of all pupils including the progress of SEND and pupil premium pupils. We also monitor, review and agree all relevant school policies. Members of the Netherbrook Community Council also have individual responsibilities to scrutinise various areas of the school, eg, special needs, safeguarding, attendance, curriculum, etc. In order to do this, Netherbrook Community Council visit the school regularly and report back on their findings.

Below you will find out further information about our Netherbrook Community Council. It tells you who they are and why they wanted to become school Netherbrook Community Council. Please take time to read through their 'pen portraits'.

We are always willing to listen and help, if required, and can be contacted via the school.

Very best wishes,

Nigel Smith
Chair of Netherbrook Community Council

Mrs Gail Maynes

I am very proud to be a Parent Community Councillor here at Netherbrook. My son started here back in September 2018 and I can see the passion, hard work and dedication all the staff share to reach the best outcome for all of the pupils in their care.

I was previously a Local Governor at Netherton Park Nursery and work for a Public Relations company. I have a particular interest in children's mental health and early years development.

If there is anything at all you wanted me to raise with the Community Council please feel free to chat with me if you see me around school.

Mrs Catherine Smith

I became a Parent Community Councillor at Netherbrook Primary School in March 2019. Both of my children attend Netherbrook and I have always been incredibly impressed with the consideration, kindness and care shown to them over the past 5 years. As a parent I have a vested interest in ensuring that the school is doing a great job for my children. My role as a Parent Community Councillor will allow me to provide support, and challenge, to the school to ensure that they are doing a great job for every child.

I passionately believe that the work undertaken at primary school builds the foundations that our children need to achieve their dreams, goals and ambitions - along with making happy, confident and healthy individuals. As a Community Councillor I hope to take a small role in ensuring that Netherbrook continues to provide an excellent starting point for our children.

Mrs Theresa Wilkes

I grew up in Bristol but moved to the Midlands over forty years ago and have lived and worked in the local community for thirty-five years, twenty-nine of these at Netherbrook Primary school.

Following my retirement, however, I still wanted to have a role within a school and I am delighted to take on the role of Co-opted Community Councillor; using my background and experience in education I am passionate about supporting Netherbrook in any way I can, so that together we can ensure that every child will achieve their full potential. I approach my role with excitement and enthusiasm and look forward to talking to many children and parents during my visits to the school, please come and share your thoughts with me.

All Community Councillor's have a new term of office for 4 years starting 1st June 2022

Name Title/Role                     Term Ends

Mr N Smith Chair of Netherbrook Community Council, Co-opted Community Councillor 01.06.26

Mrs C Smith Vice -Chair of Netherbrook Community Council, Parent Community Councillor 01.06.26

Mrs G Maynes Parent Community Councillor 01.06.26

Mrs T Wilkes Co-opted Community Councillor 01.06.26

Mrs C Marshall Staff Community Councillor 01.06.26

Mr P Rawlings Headteacher