Mathematics at Netherbrook Primary School
School Vision
For all children to have a positive attitude towards mathematics, becoming fluent, confident and resilient mathematicians, who are equipped with the skills to succeed in, and beyond, their school years.
We intend on delivering a maths curriculum which:
• Caters for all pupils, taking individual learning needs and starting points into consideration. Our lessons are engaging and collaborative which give a range of opportunities to explore mathematics following a Teaching for Mastery approach.
• Incorporates a sustained level of challenge through high-quality activities, which focuses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
• Allows pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so they can develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
• Recognises that mathematics underpins daily lives, beyond the classroom, and therefore it is vitally important that pupils are successful in each stage of their learning.
• Uses Quality First Teaching to ensure all pupils have the best learning opportunities
• Provides positive and resilient attitudes towards mathematics.
• Allows pupils to reason mathematically by following lines of enquiry. Through discussion, pupils can actively engage with peers using mathematical language
• Provides equal opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical knowledge to other subjects.
Maths Long Term Overviews
These overviews outline the various study areas of maths for each year group and ensure coverage and opportunities for assessment. Although the plan is outlined in this format (see below), it is flexible and will be adapted to the needs of the learners.
Maths Medium Term Overviews
These overviews outline the small steps for each of the study areas and link the National Curriculum statements. It also highlights the key vocabulary pupils will be introduced to during these areas and the ‘pupil can’ assessment statements used as part of formative assessments.

Lesson Structure
At Netherbrook we broadly follow the White Rose Curriculum which is designed to provide children with a solid foundation of mathematics. White Rose Maths helps children develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. Through carefully planned and sequenced schemes of learning, children will gain a deep understanding of mathematics and develop the ability to reason and solve problems. This document outlines the lesson structure we adopt at Netherbrook.

Teaching of Times Table at Netherbrook
At Netherbrook, we follow a 3 strand approach to the teaching of times tables.
Strand 1 - Times Table Focus
Each year group, from Years 1 to 5 will have a specific times table to focus on each half term. Pupils will be taught to recognise patterns and make links to previously learnt times tables.
Strand 2 - Regular Retrieval Practice
Three or more times a week, in every class there is a 10-15 minute ‘retrieval practice’ session to develop fluency. The focus of these sessions will usually be the current times table. However, at least once every 2 weeks, the focus will be revising a previously learnt times table to ensure retention.
Strand 3 - Daily ‘Rolling Numbers’ Chants
“Rolling Numbers” chants will be taught, learnt and practised at the start of every maths lesson for the ‘focus’ times table.

Calculation Policy
As a school, we follow the White Rose Scheme of learning and therefore follow the methods and structures outlined in the White Rose Calculation Policy for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These documents show the progress in methods and structures taught across the primary phase.