Emerging Readers (Early Years and Years 1 and 2)
Reading at Netherbrook starts with Rocket Phonics Reader Scheme. These books are part of our overall phonics programme and are specifically matched to our younger children’s phase of phonics development. There are a wide range of these books for children in Reception and KS1 to read and enjoy – both in classrooms and at home.
Developing Readers (Year 2 to Year 4)
After children have completed our Rocket Phonics Reader Scheme, they graduate on to our Stages Books. These books have been ‘book banded’ to allow us to use a variety of different books all pitched at the same level. This was introduced in 2017. Books in school are grouped into colour bands, and children select from a range of fiction and non-fiction books within the book banding.
At Netherbrook, we use a range of books including, Oxford Reading Tree, and Project X as part of our reading scheme. The children’s enjoyment and enthusiasm for reading has improved as a result.
Secure Readers (Year 4 to Year 6)
As children move up through the school and the colour bands, we challenge and support reading with a range of high quality reader books. They have access to age appropriate texts that increase in difficulty and length. These books are more grown up and diverse and are all written by well-established children’s authors.
The School Library
Children throughout the school from Nursery through to Year 6, have access to our wonderful school library. Here they can browse books and take them home to read on top of their reading scheme books. This enables us to ensure that all children have exciting and challenging books to read all of the time.
Dudley Library Services
Within each of our 'topics' for each year group, the children access focus books of both fiction and non-fiction genres. The Schools Library Service also offers a broad selection of books for classes to use in school.